You see a single bee come out from behind a trim board. A few hours later, you see another bee go under the trim board in the same location. Perhaps the next day you see one or two more bees, coming and going from the same area. And you think to yourself, "there's a few bees starting a beehive, if I get on them now, I don't have to hire Pest Management." And you watch a few videos on YouTube, and you pull up an article on how to remove Bees on, and you start to remove a part of your ceiling. And then a thousand angry bees come out. Now what do you do?
"Every bee removal job is different and everyone is unexpected," says certified applicator and bee removal expert Steve Moseley, owner and operator of Bullseye Pest Management. "I can't tell you how many times a customer has said, "Oh, there's just a few bees in the corner," or "I've only seen one or two of them," and the next thing you know, we've got the whole ceiling down and several dozen pounds of honeycomb and thousands of bees."

Licensed, insured and with over a decade of experience, Bullseye Pest Management will make sure your bee problem doesn't escalate into a bee emergency. Keep yourself, your friends and neighbors safe - call Bullseye Pest Management at the first sign of bee infestation.
Call Bullseye Pest Management for a Free Estimate. In most cases Steve Moseley, Certified Applicator and Owner / Operator can give you a Free Estimate right over the phone. If you have a picture of your situation that you can send by email or text message that is even more helpful for an accurate estimate.
Bullseye Pest Management is located in Arlington and serves all the cities in the surrounding Dallas / Fort Worth metroplex.
Call locally at 682-472-4435 or toll free from anywhere across Dallas Fort Worth at 800-466-4451
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