Bee Removal Bullseye Pest Management Featured

Bee Removal by Bullseye Pest Management

Bullseye Pest Management specializes in Bee Removal for residences and business.  Contact Bullseye Pest Management toll Free and 800-466-4451 or locally in Arlington at 682-472-4435

Bee removal can be tricky and dangerous depending on the situation. If you're trying to remove a swarm of bees from a roof, doing so without protective gear can be extremely risky. On the other hand, if you're looking to remove a lone bee on your property, killing it is the safest option.

There are several different approaches to bee removal: spraying them with insecticides; capturing them in jars and releasing them further away; using smoke to confuse them; or getting a professional exterminator. The type of approach that is best for you depends on the situation. The most important thing is to be safe while removing bees.

The best defense against bees is to keep them away by preventing the first hive from ever getting established. There are a number of ways to prevent hives from taking root in your yard: 1. Remove peeling paint, woodpiles and other potential nesting sites. 2. Remove any vegetation that overhangs rooftops, such as ivy or fig trees. 3. Use an insecticide when you first see the bees; this will drive them away and make it harder for new hives to set up camp in the same location. 4. Close off all openings to your yard by boarding up any openings that may allow bees entry. 5. Install barriers such as netting, fencing or boards that can be covered with tarps to keep bees out of areas where they aren’t wanted. 6. Keep a garden hose close by in case you need to knock down a hive quickly – don’t try to spray them with pesticides directly, though, as that may kill the colony and cause more problems than it solves!

Professional Bee Removal is sometimes warranted for homeowners and businesses. Bees can cause a tremendous amount of damage to property, both by stinging people as well as by destroying crops and plants. These stings can be painful and can lead to allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. Stopping the spread of bees can mean the difference between having a thriving garden or one that struggles to grow enough food to feed everyone in the family. 

Fortunately, there are ways you can protect your property from bee infestation.  Placing bee-repellent plants around your home will keep bees from settling in. These plants are usually very aromatic and have a strong scent that bees find distasteful. Try placing them near windows, doors, and other places where bees might be able to enter your home. You should also try to keep bees away from your property by using traps or repellents made specifically for this purpose.

Ultimately, if you find yourself in need of professional bee removal, contact Bullseye Pest Management toll Free and 800-466-4451 or locally in Arlington at 682-472-4435


Bee Removal Commercial Utility DFW Texas 000

Commercial Bee Removal from Utility Pole with Pictures

Bullseye Pest Management presents these pictures of our Certified Applicator and owner Steve Moseley performing Bee Removal from a utility pole. If your business or commercial property needs professional bee removal you can rely on Bullseye Pest Management to get the job done.

Bee Removal Commercial Utility DFW Texas 001

Why use bee removal for utilities and businesses?

Bee removal is necessary when a colony of bees has been discovered at an electrical substation, on an electrical pole or transmission tower, or on a utility line. In the case of an electrical field, a bee removal team can be sent to protect the public and the electrical system. Bee removal is also an essential component of businesses that deal with bees for production, harvesting, or transporting of honey or pollinating crops. These businesses require bee removal when honey bees are found inside or around equipment such as honey extractors or beehives. The primary reason businesses choose to use bee removal is to protect their workers and equipment from stings. In the past, bee removal was only used to prevent property damage caused by honey bees. But now, bee removal is being used to protect property as well.

Bee Removal Commercial Utility DFW Texas 002

How does Bee pest control work?

The best and most effective way to fight off any unwanted pests is by understanding and getting to know their behaviors. In order to understand their behaviors and how they interact with your property, you first have to understand exactly who they are and what they look like. There are many types of bees. The most common is the European honey bee, and there are also bumblebees and yellow-jackets. When fighting off pests, you have to be cautious because not all bees are created equally. You want to use a pest control company that is specifically trained to handle honey bees and their treatment methods. Honey bees are amazing creatures. They are the only insects that produce honey. The amazing part is that these insects can be used for commercial purposes, like agriculture or in the cosmetics industry. Honey bees can be used to help make food, beverages, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics, which is why they are so important. Along with honey bees, you will also find bumblebees and yellow-jacket pests. These are also important to be aware of. The reason why they are important is because they pollinate plants, which makes them very important, as well.

Bee Removal Commercial Utility DFW Texas 003

Why you need bee removal for your business

Bee removal is an essential service for businesses confronted with bee infestation. Bee removal is important for these reasons: - Protection from stings - When you have honey bees on the property, they are more likely to sting someone. This means that you will have to wear protective clothing and use an anti-sting product. Fortunately, honey bees are usually gentle, non-aggressive insects. If a honey bee stings someone, they will usually only sting the person once. Most of the time, only the bee will die. Without bees, many plants would not have seeds that need to be pollinated. Without seeds, many plants would not have fruit on them, which would mean that we would not have food.

Bee Removal Commercial Utility DFW Texas 004

Call Bullseye Pest Management toll Free and 800-466-4451 or locally in Arlington at 682-472-4435.  Rely on Bullseye Pest Management to remove bees safely, expertly and with everyone’s best interest at heart.

Bee Removal Fort Worth Bullseye Pest Managment

Call Bullseye Pest Management for Bee Removal all across Dallas / Fort Worth

Bullseye Pest Management is licensed and insured for Bee Removal. Bullseye Pest Management is independently owned and operated by certified applicator Steve Moseley. Steve has a lifetime of experience in housing-grade and building-grade construction and over a decade’s experience in removing bee infestations.

Bee Removal Mansfield Bullseye Pest Managment

When facing a bee infestation, there is no way of knowing how deep the hive goes or how many bees are inside. Several tens of pounds of bee honeycomb have been found inside of walls, behind house siding, behind window facades, inside hollows of brick walls.

Bee Removal DFW Bullseye Pest Managment

Approaching bee infestations with do-it-yourself remedies is dangerous and can be life-threatening to you, your loved ones and your neighbors. Don’t take a chance, call Bullseye Pest Management for bee removal in Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington and Mansfield.

Bee Removal Dallas Bullseye Pest Managment

Bullseye Pest Management can give you a Free Estimate right over the phone in most cases.  When you call, you don’t speak with an operator at a call center or a salesperson trying to hit quota. When you call you speak with Bullseye Pest Management owner / operator Steve Moseley, and he can advise you on your situation and give you a quote over the phone in most cases.

Bee Removal Arlington Bullseye Pest Managment

Call Bullseye Pest Management toll Free and 800-466-4451 or locally in Arlington at 682-472-4435.  Rely on Bullseye Pest Management to remove bees safely, expertly and with everyone’s best interest at heart.

Bee Removal In Dallas Fort Worth By Bullseye Pest Management

Thinking about removing bees yourself? Think again – call Bullseye Pest Management!

You see a single bee come out from behind a trim board. A few hours later, you see another bee go under the trim board in the same location. Perhaps the next day you see one or two more bees, coming and going from the same area. And you think to yourself, "there's a few bees starting a beehive, if I get on them now, I don't have to hire Pest Management." And you watch a few videos on YouTube, and you pull up an article on how to remove Bees on, and you start to remove a part of your ceiling. And then a thousand angry bees come out. Now what do you do?

"Every bee removal job is different and everyone is unexpected," says certified applicator and bee removal expert Steve Moseley, owner and operator of Bullseye Pest Management. "I can't tell you how many times a customer has said, "Oh, there's just a few bees in the corner," or "I've only seen one or two of them," and the next thing you know, we've got the whole ceiling down and several dozen pounds of honeycomb and thousands of bees."

Honey Bee Removal In Dallas Fort Worth By Bullseye Pest Management

Licensed, insured and with over a decade of experience, Bullseye Pest Management will make sure your bee problem doesn't escalate into a bee emergency. Keep yourself, your friends and neighbors safe - call Bullseye Pest Management at the first sign of bee infestation.

Call Bullseye Pest Management for a Free Estimate. In most cases Steve Moseley, Certified Applicator and Owner / Operator can give you a Free Estimate right over the phone. If you have a picture of your situation that you can send by email or text message that is even more helpful for an accurate estimate.

Bullseye Pest Management is located in Arlington and serves all the cities in the surrounding Dallas / Fort Worth metroplex.

Call locally at 682-472-4435 or toll free from anywhere across Dallas Fort Worth at 800-466-4451

Bee Removal Dallas Fort Worth Arlington

Bee Removal from Storage Container on Balcony

Bullseye Pest Management performs specialty bee removal service in Arlington, Dallas / Fort Worth and surrounding cities. Bullseye Pest Management is properly equipped, experienced, licensed and insured for Bee Removal. Call Toll Free in D/FW 800-466-4451.

Bee Removal Arlington Fort Worth Dallas

Free Estimates are available and can be scheduled when you call our direct number at 682-472-4435. Describe your infestation and certified applicator and operator / owner Steve Moseley can give you a base estimate over the phone. Bullseye Pest Management must perform an onsite inspection before a final assessment can be made. For toll free call 800-466-4451.

Bee Removal Arlington Dallas Fort Worth

Every Bee Removal job is different. Don't get tempted by Do-it-Yourself videos. Steve Moseley brings over a decade of Pest Control experience and a lifetime of residential and commercial construction experience to every bee removal job. What may seem like a tiny beehive behind a rafter can suddenly reveal itself to be an entire wall full of honeycomb and angry bees. Call 800-466-4451.

Bee Removal Mansfield Dallas Fort Worth
Bee Removal Services by Bullseye Pest Management

Bee Removal at Electricity Center by Bullseye Pest Management

Bullseye Pest Management is licensed and insured and thoroughly experienced in removing Bees.

Who are you going to trust in Bee Removal? A do-it-yourself video on YouTube? Or the Bee Removal company relied upon by Electricity Companies, Railroads and Construction Companies?

Bullseye Pest Management in Arlington Texas is utilized by the companies that need reliable service of the highest standard. Bee Removal is dangerous work where no two jobs are the same.

Bee Removal work is also serious for the environment. Bullseye Pest Management's Certified Applicator and Independent Owner / Operator Steve Moseley is a conscientious exterminator when it comes to bee removal.

"The bee is a very beneficial creature, and as almost everyone knows, is having a rough time right now. Whenever I remove bees I use hot, short-life pesticides with a quick knock-down effect, so that surviving bees don't transfer pesticides to new hives."

For professional bee removal of the highest caliber and concern for well-being, call Bullseye Pest Management in Arlington locally at 682-472-4435 or toll-free from all over the Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex at 800-466-4451.

Bee Removal Arlington By Bullseye Pest ManagementBee Removal Mansfield By Bullseye Pest ManagementCall Bullseye Pest Management To Remove BeesBees Escaping Bee Removal Services

Bee Removal Dallas

Bee Removal in Dallas by Bullseye Pest Management 800-466-4451

As we often say at Bullseye Pest Management, all bee removal jobs are unique. And in this case what seemed like a small little access from the outside turned into hundreds of pounds of honeycomb in the wall voids.

The Bees had access through these channeled depressions in the stone veneer siding.

The Bees had access through these channeled depressions in the stone veneer siding.

Bee Removal in Dallas by Bullseye Pest Management Licensed and Insured at 800-466-4451

Bee Removal in Dallas by Bullseye Pest Management Licensed and Insured at 800-466-4451

Bee Removal in Dallas by Bullseye Pest Management at 800-466-4451

Bee Removal in Dallas by Bullseye Pest Management at 800-466-4451

For Bee Removal in Dallas get the best service from Bullseye Pest Management at 800-466-4451

For Bee Removal in Dallas get the best service from Bullseye Pest Management at 800-466-4451

Bee Removal Dallas reveals thousands of bees in the wall of this Dallas Home by Owner / Operator Steve Moseley of Bullseye Pest Management 800-466-4451

Bee Removal Dallas reveals thousands of bees in the wall of this Dallas Home by Owner / Operator Steve Moseley of Bullseye Pest Management 800-466-4451

Bee Removal Dallas reveals hundreds of pounds of honeycomb in the wall voids of this Dallas Residence by Bullseye Pest Management Owner / Operator Steve Moseley at 800-466-4451

Bee Removal Dallas reveals hundreds of pounds of honeycomb in the wall voids of this Dallas Residence by Bullseye Pest Management Owner / Operator Steve Moseley at 800-466-4451

Bee Removal Dallas of hundreds of pounds of honeycomb  by Bullseye Pest Management at 800-466-4451

Bee Removal Dallas of hundreds of pounds of honeycomb by Bullseye Pest Management at 800-466-4451

Bee Removal Dallas by Bullseye Pest Management at 800-466-4451

Bee Removal Dallas by Bullseye Pest Management at 800-466-4451

Bee Removal Fort Worth

Fort Worth Bee Removal

Bullseye Pest Management is Licensed and Insured to remove bees, bee swarms, bee hives and honeycomb. Bullseye Pest Management serves all of Fort Worth and surrounding cities. Call Bullseye Pest Management at 1-800-466-4451 to discuss your Bee Removal needs and get a free no obligation estimate right over the phone.

Bee Removal in Fort Worth Texas - Bullseye Pest Management Owner / Operator Steve Moseley inspects a bee infestation in a Fort Worth Residence.

Bee Removal in Fort Worth Texas – Bullseye Pest Management Owner / Operator Steve Moseley inspects a bee infestation in a Fort Worth Residence.

Every bee removal job is unique and each comes with its own set of rewards and challenges. These bees were burrowed into a railroad tie retaining wall not just in the garden of one neighbor, but on the bordering back porch of another. Bullseye Pest Management takes special care in removing bees to ensure that as little damage is done to neighboring bees and bee hives. Quick knock-down pesticides are used with low residual to prevent widespread pesticide among other bee colonies. And whenever and wherever possible Bullseye Pest Management will relocate bee swarms without harm to bees or immediate areas.

Call Bullseye Pest Management at 1-800-466-4451 and discuss your bee removal needs. Bullseye Pest has a priority response policy towards bee removal calls. We can often service your bee removal call the same day.

Bee Removal Dallas

Bee Removal Dallas Texas

Another Bee Removal Job in North Dallas. These bees were in a swarm and there was no honeycomb or hive to remove so the service charge was discounted for the lighter labor. Bullseye Pest Management performs bee removal all over the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex serving all surrounding cities and rural areas within one hour’s drive of Arlington Texas.

Bee Removal Dallas Texas by Bullseye Pest Management

Bee Removal Dallas Texas by Bullseye Pest Management

Steve Moseley, owner and operator of Bullseye Pest Management, is fully licensed and insured for Bee Removal. With over a decade of experience in pest management, Steve Moseley has seen many many dozens of bee removal scenarios. In every bee removal job, safety is his paramount concern. Bees in a swarm or protecting a hive will sting a target multiple times, in groups. Even people or children that are not necessarily allergic to bee venom can have adverse medical reactions to multiple bee stings.

Bee swarms and bee hives can be dangerous. Africanized bees, which are also found in this region, can be particularly aggressive, and have been known in large swarms to sting livestock to death. Africanized bees can not be identified by the naked eye apart from their cousin the European honey bee. However Africanized bees are far more aggressive than their European cousin, following targets of attack much farther distances and ten times more likely to sting.

Bee Removal Suit with Bullseye Pest Management Owner / Operator Steve Moseley

Bee Removal Suit with Bullseye Pest Management Owner / Operator Steve Moseley

“Even with the bee suit on, when you’re in the middle of the bee swarm, when you’re doing a bee removal job, there’s a natural impulse to panic, to move quickly. And when you’re doing a bee removal job, the last thing you want to do is move quickly; the last thing you want to do is panic. Even with a bee suit on, if you panic, if you move suddenly, if you fumble the bees- it can become a very dangerous environment very quickly. It takes more than just throwing on a bee suit to take care of a bee removal job. It takes year of experience and training.” – Steve Moseley

For the best in bee removal service with genuine concern for the bees and environment, call Bullseye Pest Management at 800-466-4451.

Bee Removal in Dallas Texas by Bullseye Pest

Bee Removal in Dallas Texas by Bullseye Pest

“Every Bee Removal job is unique”, said Steve Moseley, Owner / Operator and Certified Applicator of Bullseye Pest Management. We were in his service truck driving out to Dallas Texas, where a very nice home in the Highland Park area had developed a bee hive in their gazebo. “I’ve pulled bees out from under the plywood of patio ceilings, between wall voids, in church steeples, in the void space between poured concrete and huge water intake pipes. You just never know where bees are going to get in their heads, ‘Oh, this looks like a great place to build a hive’. And the next thing you know, you’re pulling 70 pounds of honeycomb out of an ATM cabinet.”

Bee Removal Job in Dallas Texas.  Shown here:  Bullseye Pest Management removes a bee covered owl's house from under a Wisteria covered gazebo.

Bee Removal Job in Dallas Texas. Shown here: Bullseye Pest Management removes a bee covered owl’s house from under a Wisteria covered gazebo.

“In cases where the honeycomb, the hive, is in between wall voids, or built into a home or structure, we don’t have any choice- we have to kill the bees. We do so with a hot repellent first, and then a quick knock-down with no residual, because we want to chase off as many bees as we can, we want to kill as few bees as possible, and we don’t want high residuals in the pesticide to be carried off to other beehives. So even when we know we have to kill bees, we kill as few as possible and contain the damage.” Steve talks evenly and with measured breaths as he labors to put on the bee suit. “But in this case, we’ve got an old owl’s house that bees have taken over and made their home, and this owl’s house is just a wooden box sitting on a brick and wired to the back of the wrought iron forming the gazebo.” Steve stands for a moment checking his suit for any small access holes that a bee could find to enter the suit. He checks zippers for full closure, pressing their Velcro-lined protective flaps flat. Then he stands for a while, checking both sides of the owl box, with long, quite, consideration. “I think we can save these bees”, he says quietly.

Bullseye Pest Management Owner / Operator Steve Moseley performs bee removal in all of Dallas Fort Worth and surrounding areas.

Bullseye Pest Management Owner / Operator Steve Moseley performs bee removal in all of Dallas Fort Worth and surrounding areas.

Relocating the bees, it turns out, requires considerable resources, none the least of which is an area to which to relocate them. With over a decade’s experience in Pest Management, Steve Moseley has developed a considerable client list of farmers and bee keepers. With just a few phone calls and a route laid out on his smart phone, Steve’s assistant gives him the high sign that the details have been worked out and he can proceed with a plan that involves getting all of those bees down in one mass, as opposed to just gassing them to death.

Things rarely go completely trouble-free. A third wire securing the owl’s house was unseen in the prior observations, but is now making its presence known as Steve attempts to get the containment sack around the box as gently as possible without alarming the bees. For the most part everything is peaceful. But a few brushed off bees are beginning to sound the alarm, and Steve now has to spend time he didn’t count on clipping a third wire.

Steve works at the third wire while holding steady an owl’s house full of bees, a containment bag half in place, all while wearing a bee suit in the full hot of mid-day Dallas and teetering on the end of a ladder. His movements are slow and steady and deliberate. It seems like time has given up and come to a full stop as we stare at him and wait for any signs of good luck. Suddenly it comes and the bag continues to climb, sliding slowly up the sides and then over the top as Steve works slowly to close it off without sending the bees into frenzy.

Bullseye Pest Management Owner / Operator Steve Moseley slides a containment sack over an Owl's House that has been taken over by Bees.

Bullseye Pest Management Owner / Operator Steve Moseley slides a containment sack over an Owl’s House that has been taken over by Bees.

It is another long wait as Steve comes slowly down the ladder with the large wooden box full of dense, heavy honeycomb and many hundreds of bees. Even from my safe distance, some 60 yards back, the storm of angry buzzing emanating from the containment sack sounds very loud and effectively frightening. I look around my immediate head-space for circling bees, hearing an occasional fly-by. As I check my surroundings, I notice Steve’s assistant motioning me to move farther back and away from the path. Steve is headed my way with the box. The box of angry, angry bees.

Bullseye Pest Management Owner and Operator Steve Moseley shown here removing bees intact from a Dallas residence.

Bullseye Pest Management Owner and Operator Steve Moseley shown here removing bees intact from a Dallas residence.

From this point things move quickly. Steve’s assistant prepares paperwork for the client while Steve applies a repellent to the gazebo to ward off bees returning home and to prevent future nesting. Everything moves efficiently and without pause, with one over-riding objective; get the contained bees to safety.

Driving towards the chosen farm land, Steve’s assistant confirms the location over the phone and gives Steve directions from his GPS. Steve is driving in his bee suit with his hood unzipped and pulled back, and he’s still quite a sight with his large yellow gloves and blaring white suit.
Without the easily recognized bee-screened hat, he could readily be mistaken for a haz-mat worker. The similarities between these two jobs are not lost on me.

Bullseye Pest Management performs bee removal all over Dallas Fort Worth and surrounding areas.

Bullseye Pest Management performs bee removal all over Dallas Fort Worth and surrounding areas.

The chosen spot turned out to be an isolated cluster of trees in the middle of a plowed field, far down a dirt road, miles from the nearest paved road. The bees would be released in a place where they were sure to not bother anyone, with fresh fields all along the North and South and a large aquifer of water less than a quarter mile to the East. Considering the certain death they would have faced at the hands of any other exterminator this could easily be portrayed as bee heaven. I wonder how well the bees will adapt being moved over dozens of miles away. I wonder if the bees could have any concept of a large benevolent life form, who, given the easier alternative of exterminating them and going home, chose instead to spend another 2 hours in time and dozens of miles in gas seeing to their relocation. As if to answer my silent musings, and to remind me that no good deed goes unpunished, Steve is stung on the right hand on the webbing of flesh between the third and fourth finger. An unseen bee caught in the fold of his large, sleeved gloves flew out as Steve removed his suit and stung him instantly on his hand. He rubs it, and shakes his hand as if to try to flick off the pain, and laughs at his own bad luck.

“Every bee removal job is unique,” he muses as we begin the long drive back into Arlington. “Sometimes you have to tear out walls, sometimes you have to cut down trees, and sometimes you get stung.”

Yes. But today, we got to save the bees.


Bee Removal Weatherford Texas by Bullseye Pest 800-466-4451

Bee Removal in Weatherford TX by Bullseye Pest Management Serving all of Dallas Fort Worth

Here at Bullseye Pest we often say we service ALL of Dallas Fort Worth AND the surrounding areas. Today we’re happy to prove it with this service call to Remove Bees in Weatherford TX. This customer in particular also owns a home in uptown Dallas and we were happy to remove bees at his ranch out in Weatherford. Weatherford is West of Fort Worth about 45 minutes out from Arlington, and Bullseye Pest Management arranged the schedule so that the bee removal call received a top priority.

Bee Removal in Weatherford Texas by Bullseye Pest Management 800-466-4451

Bee Removal in Weatherford Texas by Bullseye Pest Management 800-466-4451

Bullseye Pest Management will remove bees, remove beehives, remove honeycomb, remove bee swarms, in all of Dallas Fort Worth and surrounding areas. Bullseye Pest Management is fully licensed and insured to remove bees. Bullseye Pest Management is independently owned and operated by an Arlington Texas Native. Bullseye Pest Management does not employ undocumented workers and supports local businesses. For the best in service and the best in knowledge of pesticides and herbicides, call Bullseye Pest Management Owner / Operator Steve Moseley at 800-466-4451.

Bullseye Pest Management Removes Bees and Removes Beehives serving all of Dallas Fort Worth including Surrounding Areas.Here at Bullseye Pest we often say we service ALL of Dallas Fort Worth AND the surrounding areas.  Today we're happy to prove it with this service call to Remove Bees in Weatherford TX.

Bullseye Pest Management Removes Bees and Removes Beehives serving all of Dallas Fort Worth including Surrounding Areas.Here at Bullseye Pest we often say we service ALL of Dallas Fort Worth AND the surrounding areas. Today we’re happy to prove it with this service call to Remove Bees in Weatherford TX.

In most cases bee removal is lethal to the bees. At Bullseye Pest Management, we care greatly about the bees and their best interests. Bees are a very beneficial creature, especially in the role of pollinators, and we strive to kill bees as infrequently as possible. When Bullseye Pest Management must use insecticides to remove bees we use the least amount of residual as possible for the circumstances to prevent the spread of insecticide to other bees and to limit bee death. In scenarios where it is possible legally and safely extract and relocate bee infestations this is greatly preferred.

Bullseye Pest Management Serves All of Dallas Fort Worth and Surrounding Areas

Animal Trapping Bullseye Pest Management Service Area

Animal Trapping Bullseye Pest Management Service Area

Beehive Removal in Venus Texas by Bullseye Pest 800-466-4451

Beehive Removal in Venus Texas Takes Interesting Shape.

Bullseye Pest Management has removed a lot of bees and beehives from residences and commercial buildings all over Dallas Fort Worth. And Owner / Operator Steve Moseley is fond of saying that every bee removal job is unique, in size and circumstance and, well- shape.

Which brings us to today’s Beehive Removal job. Bullseye Pest Management was called out to a church in Venus, Texas where we were slightly amazed at the beautiful shape of this latest beehive.

Beehive Removal from a church in Venus Texas by Bullseye Pest Management 800-466-4451

Beehive Removal from a church in Venus Texas by Bullseye Pest Management 800-466-4451

Bullseye Pest Management is fully licensed and insured for Bee Removal, Beehive Removal, and Honeycomb Removal. Bullseye Pest Management happily serves all of Dallas Fort Worth and surrounding areas. Bullseye Pest Management has a rapid response policy regarding bee removal service calls. We understand that your bee infestation is an emergency. A great majority of the time, Beehives and Bee Infestations are found during times of construction, renovation or maintenance and they need to be dealt with in a timely manner.

Beehive Removed in Venus Texas by Bullseye Pest Management 800-466-4451

Beehive Removed in Venus Texas by Bullseye Pest Management 800-466-4451

Bullseye Pest Management is family owned and operated by Certified Applicator Steve Moseley, an Arlington Texas Native. Bullseye Pest Management is fully licensed and insured with over a decade experience in Pest Management. Bullseye Pest Management does not employ undocumented workers. Bullseye Pest Management employees have 100% clean background checks and driver’s records and are legally eligible to work in the USA. Bullseye Pest Management is green friendly, and Owner / Operator Steve Moseley is certified in the handling of pesticides and herbicides and can talk at great lengths about the chemical compositions and origins of all the products we use, and how to be green conscious in your choice of pest control. Certified Applicator Steve Moseley can review previous pest control invoices and talk about previous chemicals used and best choices for going forward.

Bee Removal Suit with Bullseye Pest Management Owner / Operator Steve Moseley

Bee Removal Suit with Bullseye Pest Management Owner / Operator Steve Moseley

Bullseye Pest Management is a member of the Texas Pest Control Association and the National Pest Management Association.

Beehive Removal Fort Worth Texas by Bullseye Pest Management 800-466-4451

Beehive Removal Fort Worth Residence

Bullseye Pest Management was called by a Fort Worth resident to remove a beehive discovered in their recently purchased home. The bee activity was discovered by roofing workers before demolition began on the existing roof. Workers were unable to approach the section of roof due to an excessive presence of bees.

Bee Removal Fort Worth Texas Residence - Beehive shown here was found inside the roof beneath the shingles and decking, between the rafters.

Bee Removal Fort Worth Texas Residence – Beehive shown here was found inside the roof beneath the shingles and decking, between the rafters.

Bee Removal Jobs are Always Unique

No two Bee Removal jobs are alike, and this one was no exception. Making this Bee Removal job unique was not being able to access the beehive from the inside. Typically in a bee removal job where the beehive is located in the roof we access it from the inside through the attic. But in this particular area of the roof, a Blind Dormer was located, making accessibility from inside not possible. We had to work from the outside of the roof, over 2 stories up and facing a sloping descent of a back yard.

Bee Removal Fort Worth Texas by Bullseye Pest | Owner Operator Steve Moseley is Photobombed by a Bee

Bee Removal Fort Worth Texas by Bullseye Pest | Owner Operator Steve Moseley is Photobombed by a Bee

In the end, Bullseye Pest Management Owner / Operator Steve Moseley had to remove the shingles, the decking and all of the roofing materials to access some sixty-five to seventy pounds of beehive, all while wearing a bee suit at the top of ladder leaned against a very steep roof over two stories up. The bees were removed and the roof was treated so that roofing workers could safely resume demolition of the existing roof.

Bee Removal Fort Worth Texas By Owner Operator Steve Moseley of Bullseye Pest Management.

Bee Removal Fort Worth Texas By Owner Operator Steve Moseley of Bullseye Pest Management.

Bullseye Pest Management removes bees all over Dallas Fort Worth and surrounding areas. Bullseye Pest Management is fully licensed and insured. Bullseye Pest Management has a rapid response priority for Bee Removal service calls. Call 800-466-4451 and speak with Certified Applicator and Owner Steve Moseley about your Bee Infestation.

Bee Removal Dallas TX by Bullseye Pest Management 800-466-4451

Bullseye Pest Management shown here removing bees in Dallas TX. Serving All of the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex, Bullseye Pest Management Removes Bees from Residences & Businesses. Bullseye Pest Management is fully licensed and insured.

Bee Removal in Dallas Texas | Bullseye Pest Management Owner / Operator Steve Moseley shown here removing bees in Dallas Texas

Bee Removal in Dallas Texas | Bullseye Pest Management Owner / Operator Steve Moseley shown here removing bees in Dallas Texas

At Bullseye Pest Management we understand that your bee removal situation is an emergency! Jobs that we have worked on recently have included home construction that had to come to a halt due to an enormous beehive found in the roof. Construction workers were stung and delays to the construction added to unforeseen costs. In situations like these you don’t have time to wait for your bee removal service provider to “work you in to their schedule”. Bullseye Pest Management has a rapid response policy to bee removal service calls. Call us immediately to address your situation and bee removal needs.

Bee Removal | Honeycomb removed and shown here was an indicator of previous activity and not an active hive.  The bee swarm was most likely drawn to this location by markers of their previous stay.

Bee Removal | Honeycomb removed and shown here was an indicator of previous activity and not an active hive. The bee swarm was most likely drawn to this location by markers of their previous stay.

Bullseye Pest Management has extensive experience in removing bees including removing bees from trees, removing bees from attic spaces, removing bees from crawl spaces, removing bees from roof interiors, removing bees from inside of wall spaces, removing bees from inside of barns, removing bees from play structures, removing bees from green houses and more. Bullseye Pest Management can also deal with wasps or any nest or swarm of stinging insect.

Bee Removal Dallas Texas – Bullseye Pest Management Removes Bees and Beehive and Honeycomb from Residential and Business Structures all over Dallas Fort Worth.

Bee Removal Dallas Texas – Bullseye Pest Management Removes Bees and Beehive and Honeycomb from Residential and Business Structures all over Dallas Fort Worth.

Call Bullseye Pest Management for your Bee Removal needs to get quick professional service! 800-466-4451

Bee Removal in Fort Worth TX by Bullseye Pest Management

Bullseye Pest Management was called out to remove bees in Fort Worth Texas at the construction site of a residence tear-down remodeling. It was a hot day, and the under-construction residence provided no power or water, which could serve to further complicate beehive removal. After several phone calls made by the residence owner, Bullseye Pest Management was chosen to remove the bees.

Bee Removal in Fort Worth Texas - Bullseye Pest Management Owner / Operator Steve Moseley points to the pulled panel revealing the presence of bees.

Bee Removal in Fort Worth Texas – Bullseye Pest Management Owner / Operator Steve Moseley points to the pulled panel revealing the presence of bees.

Certified Applicator Steve Moseley is shown in this picture pointing to the single piece of wood panel removed during the renovation demolition that revealed the presence of bees. The construction worker who discovered the bee hive was stung half-a-dozen times on his arm before the area could be cleared.

Bee Removal in Fort Worth Texas – Close up view of the panel removed revealing the bee hive.

Bee Removal in Fort Worth Texas – Close up view of the panel removed revealing the bee hive.

While the bees gave no outward indication of being Africanized Bees (also known as Killer Bees), they gave clear indication of being on high alert. Combined with the overwhelming sound of bee wings cooling the hive, Bullseye Pest owner Steve Moseley knew he would find a lot more honeycomb behind the paneling.

Bee Removal in Fort Worth Texas - The entire beehive revealed, over 60 pounds of honeycomb to be removed.

Bee Removal in Fort Worth Texas – The entire beehive revealed, over 60 pounds of honeycomb to be removed.

Using a generator to power the bee duster and circular saw, Bullseye Pest Management owner Steve Moseley removed enough paneling to expose the entire beehive. Shown with a red square is the original revealed area from the photos above.

Beehive Removed in Fort Worth Texas - An approximate sixty pounds of beehive removed from the interior walls of this residential remodel.

Beehive Removed in Fort Worth Texas – An approximate sixty pounds of beehive removed from the interior walls of this residential remodel.

In the end, an estimated sixty pounds of honeycomb were removed. In most circumstances a structure is to be repaired, and the remaining wood and materials would require extensive cleaning and drying times extending into weeks. But in this case, involving a complete tear-down, the construction crew was able to resume demolition the next day.

Beehive Removal Fort Worth / Dallas - Bullseye Pest Management 800-466-4451

Beehive Removal Fort Worth / Dallas – Bullseye Pest Management 800-466-4451

Bullseye Pest Management removes bees, removes beehive and removes honeycomb from residential and commercial structures. Bullseye Pest Management serves all of Dallas Fort Worth and surrounding cities. Bullseye Pest Management is fully licensed and insured. Bullseye Pest Management is always available for rapid response. Bullseye Pest Management requires no contracts, takes all forms of payment and is available toll free at 800-466-4451. Call Now to speak with Owner Operator Steve Moseley about your Pest Management Needs.

Bee Removal in Coppell TX by Bullseye Pest Management

Bee Removal in Coppell Texas - Bee Swarm Inspected by Bullseye Pest Management Owner / Operator Steve Moseley.

Bee Removal in Coppell Texas – Bee Swarm Inspected by Bullseye Pest Management Owner / Operator Steve Moseley.

Bullseye Pest Management received the call late in the day- a homeowner in Coppell, TX, had been alerted by his neighbor of a new infestation of bees off the back corner of his patio. Bullseye Pest Management came out and inspected and found no honeycomb or hive, but a resting swarm of nesting bees in the small space between the finishing plywood and the brick structure of the patio ceiling.

Bee Removal in Coppell, TX.  Bees are seen here in the gap in a patio finished ceiling.

Bee Removal in Coppell, TX. Bees are seen here in the gap in a patio finished ceiling.

Bullseye Pest Management is not a bee keeper. We do no have hive boxes and we do not harvest honey. In any instance that we can do our work without hurting bees, we do so- as bees are very beneficial creatures. But when we do have to eradicate infestations, it is done so with pesticides that best control the situation and minimize bee deaths. In this case we used a hot repellent dust to drive the bees out of the crevasse. We followed this up with a quick knock down to kill any aggressive bees, but with no residual agent so death wouldn’t be spread to other bees.

Bee Removal in Coppell TX by Bullseye Pest Management based in Arlington TX and serving all of Dallas Fort Worth.

Bee Removal in Coppell TX by Bullseye Pest Management based in Arlington TX and serving all of Dallas Fort Worth.

Bullseye Pest Management is licensed by the Texas Department of Agriculture and fully insured. Bullseye Pest Management performs Bee Removal all over the Dallas Fort Worth metroplex and surrounding cities. Bullseye Pest Management performs beehive and honeycomb removal from residential and business structures. Bullseye Pest Management is not responsible for cosmetic damage in the process of removing beehive and honeycomb. Bullseye Pest Management does not perform structural repair or cosmetic repair in bee removal.

Bullseye Pest Management performs Bee Removal, Beehive Removal and Honeycomb Removal all over Dallas Fort Worth and Surrounding Cities.

Bullseye Pest Management performs Bee Removal, Beehive Removal and Honeycomb Removal all over Dallas Fort Worth and Surrounding Cities.

Beehive Removal in McKinney Texas by Bullseye Pest Management

Friday evenings seem to be a popular time for Bee Removal calls, and May 10th was no exception. On Saturday morning we headed out to McKinney Texas to remove a bee swarm in a crape myrtle tree against the entrance of a home. The mass of bees had pulled down the hanging branch until it was resting on the crossing branches beneath.

Bee Removal in McKinney Texas by Bullseye Pest Management.

Bee Removal in McKinney Texas by Bullseye Pest Management.

The configuration of the branches and the proximity to the house presented a unique opportunity to save the majority of the bees. The bees were contained and relocated and the home was treated to prevent bees re-nesting at the home entrance.

Bee Removal by Bullseye Pest Management in McKinney Texas.

Bee Removal by Bullseye Pest Management in McKinney Texas.

Bullseye Pest Management is fully licensed and insured to perform Bee Removal. We proudly serve the entire Dallas Fort Worth metroplex from our home-base in Arlington. Bullseye Pest Management is independently owned an operated by a Texas Native born and raised in Arlington Texas. Call 800-466-4451

Beehive Removal in Wylie Texas by Bullseye Pest Management

Bee Removal Wylie Texas - Bullseye Pest Management Owner / Operator Steve Moseley Removes Bees from a Residence Playhouse in Wylie Texas.

Bee Removal Wylie Texas – Bullseye Pest Management Owner / Operator Steve Moseley Removes Bees from a Residence Playhouse in Wylie Texas.

Bullseye Pest Management took a phone call on Friday Night about a beehive under a children’s playhouse in Wylie Texas. The homeowner needed the bees cleared for an upcoming birthday party and Bullseye Pest headed out the next morning to remove the infestation.

Beehive Removal by Bullseye Pest Management In Wylie Texas.

Beehive Removal by Bullseye Pest Management In Wylie Texas.

Bullseye Pest Management is fully licensed and insured to remove bees, beehives and bee swarms from inhabitable structures, residences and businesses. We remove bees anywhere in the Dallas Fort Worth area. Call us at 800-466-4451 and we can advise you over the phone about your specific bee infestation.

Beehive Removal in Wylie Texas by Bullseye Pest Management.

Beehive Removal in Wylie Texas by Bullseye Pest Management.