Black Widow Spider – Bullseye Pest Management

Here we have one of the most commonly feared spiders, the Latrodectus [ lăt′rə-dĕk′təs ], or Black Widow. With 31 species, there are 3 groups in North America. The Southern Black Widow is the most common living Black Widow in the DFW Metroplex. Their described as being black and having a red hour-glass marking on the abdomen.

These females grow to about a half an inch long. Making them hard to locate. Certified Applicator and Owner / Operator Steve Moseley of Bullseye Pest Management knows all the different places that spiders may hide and can provide you with expertise and experience in the field.

Black Widows are all female, given the name because they are believed to eat the male after they are done mating. At least that is the myth. In reality, this supposed cannibalism is merely the Black Widow poisoning an insect in her web. The males that survive run after doing the deed. No hard feelings, 'kay?

The males are about half the size of the females. The females typically live 180 days, while males live about a third of that time. Some of the Black Widows in the American South have lived up to 3 years in the wild, or 4 years in captivity!

Black Widows commonly nest under wood piles and in dark corners, areas where there is little activity or there are no drafts, such as attics, garages or basements. If you do not want to find Black Widows on your property, a good thing might be to hire an exterminator. At half an inch, that is a small (and poisonous) spider to miss. Though their bite is not specifically fatal, death can arise as a complication to other results of Black Widow bites such as organ failure and necrosis.

If you contact Steve Moseley, you can most likely get a free estimate over the phone and if you provide a photo or video, the estimate will be even more accurate.

Prevent poisonous bites, call Bullseye Pest Management locally at 682-472-4435 or toll free from anywhere across DFW and beyond at 800-466-4451.

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