Bee Removal Dallas

Bee Removal Dallas Texas

Another Bee Removal Job in North Dallas. These bees were in a swarm and there was no honeycomb or hive to remove so the service charge was discounted for the lighter labor. Bullseye Pest Management performs bee removal all over the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex serving all surrounding cities and rural areas within one hour’s drive of Arlington Texas.

Bee Removal Dallas Texas by Bullseye Pest Management

Bee Removal Dallas Texas by Bullseye Pest Management

Steve Moseley, owner and operator of Bullseye Pest Management, is fully licensed and insured for Bee Removal. With over a decade of experience in pest management, Steve Moseley has seen many many dozens of bee removal scenarios. In every bee removal job, safety is his paramount concern. Bees in a swarm or protecting a hive will sting a target multiple times, in groups. Even people or children that are not necessarily allergic to bee venom can have adverse medical reactions to multiple bee stings.

Bee swarms and bee hives can be dangerous. Africanized bees, which are also found in this region, can be particularly aggressive, and have been known in large swarms to sting livestock to death. Africanized bees can not be identified by the naked eye apart from their cousin the European honey bee. However Africanized bees are far more aggressive than their European cousin, following targets of attack much farther distances and ten times more likely to sting.

Bee Removal Suit with Bullseye Pest Management Owner / Operator Steve Moseley

Bee Removal Suit with Bullseye Pest Management Owner / Operator Steve Moseley

“Even with the bee suit on, when you’re in the middle of the bee swarm, when you’re doing a bee removal job, there’s a natural impulse to panic, to move quickly. And when you’re doing a bee removal job, the last thing you want to do is move quickly; the last thing you want to do is panic. Even with a bee suit on, if you panic, if you move suddenly, if you fumble the bees- it can become a very dangerous environment very quickly. It takes more than just throwing on a bee suit to take care of a bee removal job. It takes year of experience and training.” – Steve Moseley

For the best in bee removal service with genuine concern for the bees and environment, call Bullseye Pest Management at 800-466-4451.

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