Bee Removal in Dallas by Bullseye Pest Management 800-466-4451
As we often say at Bullseye Pest Management, all bee removal jobs are unique. And in this case what seemed like a small little access from the outside turned into hundreds of pounds of honeycomb in the wall voids.

The Bees had access through these channeled depressions in the stone veneer siding.

Bee Removal in Dallas by Bullseye Pest Management Licensed and Insured at 800-466-4451

Bee Removal in Dallas by Bullseye Pest Management at 800-466-4451

For Bee Removal in Dallas get the best service from Bullseye Pest Management at 800-466-4451

Bee Removal Dallas reveals thousands of bees in the wall of this Dallas Home by Owner / Operator Steve Moseley of Bullseye Pest Management 800-466-4451

Bee Removal Dallas reveals hundreds of pounds of honeycomb in the wall voids of this Dallas Residence by Bullseye Pest Management Owner / Operator Steve Moseley at 800-466-4451

Bee Removal Dallas of hundreds of pounds of honeycomb by Bullseye Pest Management at 800-466-4451

Bee Removal Dallas by Bullseye Pest Management at 800-466-4451